Estate Planning is nothing more than developing a process for identifying and transferring all of one’s property from one generation to the next or within a generation. Estate planning is not only for the rich; no minimum property requirements exist. Anything one cares about is important enough to justify essential estate planning. Sometimes, young families think they don’t have enough property to justify estate planning, but if someone has a child under age 18, they have estate planning concerns. Who will raise your child if you can’t? Who will manage any cash or assets the child might inherit, such as through life insurance proceeds?

At Rightway Services, our professional team will help you to make a legal arrangement that the granter makes during their lifetime to protect their assets and direct their distribution after the grantor’s death. It is instrumental in helping family members and heirs avoid a lengthy, public, intricate, and costly probate process.

Establishing a  Revocable Living Trust enables an individual or family to transfer property to the trust without giving up management or control. Unlike an “irrevocable” trust (which can’t be changed), the Living Trust gives you all the benefits of a trust instrument. Still, it does not remove your control over the assets or your ability to benefit from them. 

A Revocable Living Trust avoids probate because, unlike a last will, it is a fully effective document that exists now and during your lifetime. Equally important, your Living Trust continues to exist after death as a separate entity, avoiding the probate process. Since there is no probate, no fees will be paid to attorneys, executors, appraisers, courts, etc. Everything you leave goes directly to whomever you have chosen. 

Estate Planning should be your next step after your insurance and retirement planning have been considered. After all, accumulating wealth and preserving and controlling its disposition go hand in hand. A Living Trust’s main benefit is to avoid probate; tax considerations are essential, and some savings can be gained. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on this matter, retirement planning services, or any of our services. 

Living Trust Package includes:

  • The Revocable Living Trust
  • The Pour Over Will
  • The Durable Power of Attorney
  • The Advance Health Care Directive
  • Quit Claim Deed Filling/s
  • Living Trust Notarization

“Please note, we are NOT attorneys nor provide any legal services.  This website and any other presentation or service our firm offers are not intended to be a legal consultation or advice source.”